Final Ethnography

Ethnography of A Teenager

Blood Ticker Than Water 

Sunrise Florida is were she grew up, it was a nice neighborhood a light post every 10 feet or direction you looked it. They had 24 hour security and  a community pool the size of the Bahamas, plus the biggest house on the block. Krystal was lucky she had everything kids her age could ask for. She has two parents who love and spoil her to death, they’ve been together for 23 years. She also has her own car her own room. Krystal is a family person she never really needed to go out and make friends when she has two sisters, Shannon 19, Ashley 23 and a little brother who is 9 years old.

Krystal and Shannon were never that far apart from age but definitely were close, they were more then sisters they were best friends. They went to the same high school for 2 years. They shared all the same drama, clothes, and walked each other to class. They didn’t need anyone else it was the Rosesnsteel sisters against the world.  They gossiped about the hottest boys and shared every dark secret they had to each other. It wasn’t always like this, growing up Krystal always looked up to Shannon and use to mock ever movement like she was playing follow the leader. As they grew up they realized it was so much easier to stick together then be alone.

Ashley was the oldest sister, she was like the mother figure to Krystal. They were polar opposite you wouldn’t even think they were 100% pure blood related. Ashley thought she had to be the boss of everyone. Krystal and Ashley usually butted heads and disagreed with everything but it was a love hate relationship. Krystal knows she loves Ashley she was the sister who had experienced everything first and felt like she wanted to prevent it happening to others. Krystal and Shannon often laughed at her and kept on their own paths.

Stevie was Krystal’s younger brother, the only brother out of four children. He usually hogged up all the love, you know being the heir to the Rosensteel name and all. Everyone knew not to mess with Stevie or you felt the wrath of his sisters.  Nothing came in-between the Rosensteel family they had strong siblings and strong parents to back them up. They all knew that at the end of the day it was about them. Many people resented her family because they looked so unified no one was ever alone. The family goal is to never leave anyone behind and Krystal is a firm believer in this. Wether it comes to her father, mother, sisters, or brother.


My Bedroom is My Safe-Zone 

When we live in our parents house, there isn’t much that truly belongs to us. Parents often use this fact to their advantage: “As long as you live in my house, you follow my rules!” “When YOU pay the mortgage, YOU can do whatever YOU want!” True we don’t pay the bills, but we do spend a large part of our time in that room, and it plays host to most of our belongings.

It was her own room Krystal didn’t have to worry about bumping into someone or having to fake laugh at her corny uncles drunk joke in her own room. It was her get away when she needed to get away, plus it was conveniently only 20 feet away. She had all her books stacked on her bed from her endless amount of homework given daily, she rarely turned on her lights she always lighted her room by little Christmas lights. No one was allowed unless invited. She’s always felt comfortable in her powder pink room, its been her room for 11 years now she knows every inch and crack of that room. No one would know that her diary is under all the shoe boxes to the far right in her room, or that her secret stash of makeup is in her cheetah Victoria Secret purse underneath all her clothes in her left drawer.

Krystal didn’t like anyone going in her room it didn’t matter how much she loved you it was not happening. She was not mad or anti social, it was just her private space where she can go to so she can relax. Everything in her room was carefully placed and planned out meticulously for  those 11 years, even the crusty cereal bowl thats practically molded to the floor under her bed. Or when you go into her closet and notice the color coded clothes from spring to fall colors, pants to shorts, crop tops to long sleeves. Krystal knew where everything was so what was the point for her to invite someone in who will move things around.

Closing Walls 


The walls were a light coffee color, the floor was an even darker brown with all the school breakfast splattered all over it. The wall were as dull as the curriculum. Krystal couldn’t tell you what the breakfast or lunch was she avoided even walking into the cafeteria. The cafe was known to house all the cliques. Krystal wasn’t associated with any she just wanted to get her work done and leave. She felt that the kids in her high school were always so concerned about what song Drake just released or who they were going to copy for 3rd periods homework. Her friends highlight of the week was if a new guy transferred to the school, Krystal wasn’t hypnotized by all this she knew  better. She understood that the better her grades the faster she could get out of there.

School is the biggest time consuming part of Krystal’s life. She spends at least 40 hours a week physically in school, 30 outside doing homework and studying. Krystal has always been an  A+ student but that doesn’t stop the day to day anxiety of that hell hole.  High school was about who hung out with who and who wore the newest clothes. The only thing motivating her at this point was she only had one year left.

The Beyond

Every person remembers moving out their parents house and taking on bigger responsibilities. It’s that bitter sweet moment that you cherish and hold on too. It was almost Krystal’s time, one more year then she was graduating and going to Florida State. She wouldn’t be able to see her parents and siblings everyday, or take her whole room that she’s known all her life. It was time to move on to the next step of “adulthood” that Krystal so yearned for. She wasn’t nervous she actually embraced the unknown and the uncertainty. It was time for this little teenager to grow up.

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